Vision, Mission, and Goals


The Institute of Higher Education in Urozgan aims to meet the demands of the time by strengthening academic and professional capabilities, thereby reducing the gap of national needs. The institute strives to emerge as one of the leading educational institutions in the country, fostering a well-organized academic environment with quality scientific research.


The Institute of Higher Education in Urozgan, by possessing academic, professional, and national strength, aims to create a suitable academic environment. Through research programs, skill development, and the application of modern technology, it aspires to serve society and address existing shortcomings.


To train professional personnel who are in line with the modern era of science, technology, economics, social, and Islamic standards, and who are capable of meeting the needs of society.


  • A strong commitment to the material and spiritual development and progress of individuals.
  • Respect for the dignity of human life and humanity.
  • Promotion of local traditions and culture.
  • Professional and standard education.
  • Avoidance of any kind of discrimination based on direction, ethnicity, or language.
  • Transparency in work and prevention of any form of corruption.